Welcome to The Lower Unit Store’s video page. Here you will find helpful how to videos about our products, shipping, and repairing your own Johnson Evinrude lower unit. Check out our YouTube channel for more.
CALL or TEXT with any questions: 231-631-2263
How We Ship
We ship through UPS. Below we show you how we will package your parts with care.
Customer Boxing and Shipping Instructions
In this video we go over some do’s and don’t’s when shipping us your lower unit using an actual package shipped to us by a customer.
How to Shim a Johnson or Evinrude Lower Unit
This is a how-to video I created years ago for a customer who wanted to set up a Johnson or Evinrude lower unit and did not have the driveshaft shimming tool. We have been checking backlash on J/E lower units and they all seem to like the 3/32 backlash at 2 inches. Please give us a call if you have any questions, or need any advice or parts.
Gears, Bearings, and Seals
We take pride in the quality of the gears, bearings, and seals we use. Our gears are purchased from an American owned factory in Wisconsin that we have personally toured. Find out more below:
Gear Case Information
We use our in-house glass blaster to prepare the surface of our lower units for do it yourself painting or custom color. In this video we show off some freshly prepared lower unit parts.